Mentor Me!

A question I get asked often is "why would I need a mentor to help me, when I know what I need to do?". If you know what you need to do, are doing it and achieving results - then NO you probably don't need a mentor.

But if like most of us, you have goals to achieve, know what you want to do, or perhaps you've hit crossroads in your life and are unsure of which path to take - a mentor may be that kick in the butt you need.

I have had mentors in the past and each meeting I've had has geared me up to tick off another step towards my end goal. Mentoring can help with:

  • Discussing if goals and timeframes are realistic
  • Keeping you accountable 
  • Determining your own strengths and weaknesses
  • Identifying small steps to take to achieve larger goals

If you're not where you want to be in life and you are serious about putting in the work - please reach out.

5 reasons you need a mentor

Mentors Coach

Mentors coach and prepare you for change.

The economy of the new workforce does not operate solely on hard work but rather on smart work. You need to get smarter about people, relationships, processes, opportunities, and strategies. Great mentors help you get smarter with their wise counsel.

Mentors Motivate

Mentors fine tune and transform your vision.

They provide ideas, thoughts and insights that challenge and enable you to see beyond your sphere of influence. Mentors amplify visions by elevating your thinking capabilities. Mentors elevate you by making their shoulders your platform. They prop you up and this demonstration of trust must not be abused as their extensions is a critical validation that will eventually open doors and grant you access to opportunities beyond your circle.

Mentors Challenge

Mentors push you to go farther.

They refuse to let you settle on your oars and invariably challenge you to go farther than you can possibly imagine. They pat you on the back for your successes, guide you in extracting lessons from your failures and by so doing push you far.

Mentors Protect

Mentors protect you from missteps.

Mentors protect and nurture their proteges from premature exposure. They provide insights on how to navigate political landmines in organizations and how to make sound business decisions in your startup or engagements. Their counsel prevents missteps that could otherwise derail your success. Mentors by their sound counsel guide proteges from ending up in pits.

Mentors Advice

Mentors share life lessons.

Mentors use their stories and perspectives to paint pictures of what is possible. They use words and their actions to support you. Invariably, building you up for more than you ever thought possible.Lastly, mentors never give up on you. They never quit believing, encouraging and engaging their protege. Great mentors assume the vision of their proteges until it is a reality.
