Our Storytellers


Carly Jeffrey always felt a little 'different', and wasn't totally surprised to find out in her early 20s that she displayed traits of OCD, Anxiety and Depression. On the night Carly will share how small steps and manageable adjustments can end up making a world of difference to your mindset and your life. This will be an honest look at how surviving trauma such as toxic people, bullying, societal stigma and the loss of a loved one can become incredible learning experiences that build resilience, determination and inner strength.

Read more from Carly.


Melissa Wiringi is an author, speaker and mind bender, helping women on a mission to achieve their highest potential. She has risen up after suffering domestic violence, depression and becoming a solo mother.

She has not only survived but thrived, taking control of her life and making many of her lifelong dreams a reality. Melissa is an inspirational human demonstrating how we can use our difficult times to motivate us to discover our inner greatness and achieve our dreams.


Elaine Laurel - Having survived layers of trauma across 3 decades, Elaine will share how her powerful discovery of ‘choice’ helped her through years of depression, self sabotage, recovery from sexual trauma and deep loss.

Her story will be shared with the utmost vulnerability and honesty. Her mantra is that “Healing happens through unpacking and sharing. Only through this can we clear space to allow the good stuff in.”

On the night

Some quotes from the event:

"Thank you for a wonderful night. I loved hearing everyone’s story"

"I’m honoured to have witnessed this amazing couple of hours!"

"What a lovely way to spend an evening. How inspiring it is to share and hold the space for these three incredibly brave women. Absolute honour"