3 Lessons I Learnt in 2016

2016 what a year you have been. The last 12 months have held many milestones for me - getting married, purchasing my 3rd property, learning more about myself and realising that it's ok to go against the grain.

I'm still learning and growing, and I hope that never stops. But as we sit and reflect on the year that was, here are a few things I've learnt along the way.

You can't control everything

This is probably the hardest pill for me to swallow. I've always loved the idea that I could control everything and any one around me... until my wedding day. While that one event was only a single day of my life, I soon realised that some things remained out of my control. As I continue to learn about myself, I realise that this not only applies to that one event, but to my life. Que Sera, Sera.

It's OK to be selfish

For most of my life I have put others first, that's what we are taught to do as kids - to give more, to help others, to be selfless. 2016 has taught me that it's OK to look after yourself first, and it's probably better for those around me too! Looking after yourself first allows you to love inwards, which exudes to loving outwards. And we could all do with a bit more self-love.

Anything is possible

I never thought I would get married. I never thought I would be asked to be on TV. Both of those things happened to me in 2016. I am confident that anything is possible and if someone else has succeeded in something - then so can you or I. I'm learning that it's ok to aim high and fail - I'll just try another way to get there.

I hope that your 2016 was filled with greatness, and that the best is yet to come. Opportunities are everywhere waiting to be taken, don't sit and wait for it to come to you - go out there and grab it with both hands.